AvacomInc Company Page

Implementing Content and Document Management Solutions

Avacom: More than 12 Years in the Business of Implementing Content and Document Management Solutions -
Founded in 1992, Avacom is a recognized leader in providing collaborative content and document management solutions based on DB2 IBM Content Management for all types of industries.

With thousands of users, hundreds of installations, and more than 50 partners, Avacom is the one of the premium Content Management and Workflow solution providers for the enterprise wide deployment. Today, Avacom employs more than 30 people in United States and Canada. Our professionals are dedicated to providing high-level customer support and services.

Avacom Company Overview
This document is a two page overview of Avacom and a list of products and services provided by Avacom. Download Company Overview Brochure.

Experience, Knowledge,Technology for Maximizing Business

Avacom has leveraged our extensive experience to deliver Avacom Business Suite, the definitive family of Content Management and Workflow solutions for today's business environment. Avacom Business Suite allows employees, customers, and business partners to work together successfully get access to documents and information - anywhere, anytime. Avacom Business Suite is open and flexible, supporting databases, applications, operating systems, and hardware from almost every major vendor.

By deploying the best technology, services, and development resources, Avacom has delivered a business platform that unlocks valuable information resources, improves business process efficiencies, and builds strong customer relationships. To ensure Avacom's position as a Content Management and Workflow technology leader, Avacom Partnership Venture works closely with the best of breed companies and start-up and emerging entrepreneurial companies that are developing and advancing exciting new technologies. And through Avacom Research, we introduce new ideas for future solutions.

Avacom is headquartered in Orange County, California..